Wednesday, July 31, 2013

may this dress bring you brilliance . . . .

This dress especially goes out to all
those verbally challenged, yet wildly talented
'professional New England, or Columbia 
County or Northeast Dutchess County 
visual artists in the media
of painting, sculpture, 
printmaking, photography 
or mixed media who have a financial need'
who may be applying for
the A.R.T. grant due tomorrow :)

For some reason I have had
the toughest time this grant.
I have brought the idea of
procrastination to to new frontiers.

I have applied for countless years
so it is not fear of the unknown?!?!?
And I, as all artists that I know,
could SO use financial aid
as well as the boost of confidence
that comes with a grant!!

SO today is the day,
to put fingertips to keyboard
and just do it!!!
~ peace

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

may this dress bring you a great cup of coffee . . .

(or whatever morning beverage you desire that helps you to face the day:)
'a little sugar, please' andover, ma (2010)
Behind every successful woman 
is a substantial amount of coffee. 
Stephanie Piro

This morning I am needing 
a bit more of a jump-start!!! 
Being plagued by an endless 
to-do list can take its toil ~
however the sun is shining, 
the heat has broken,
and we are in the lazy days of summer
(although i do need to go work inside :( 

but as my angel Harriet points out, 
I am lucky to have a job! 
and that I am!!!

The above dress was made after seeing the amazing exhibit, 
I was taken to this life altering exhibit by the wonderful David Lang.
He knew that I needed to see Sheila Hicks work in person
and he was right.

 For me this was an awe-inspiring show and one that has influenced my work ever since.

Monday, July 29, 2013

may this dress show you flowers . . .

There are always flowers 
for those who want to see them ~ 
Henri Matisse

Besides my passion for mothering and creating, 
I have a serious love of photographing flowers!!

When you look at my iphoto it is filled with photos 
of my girls, my art and flowers!!

I am drawn to all manners and stages of flowers.

 I desire to look deeper into these treasure from mother nature;

beyond their initial beauty, 

into the layers and layers of intrigue, 

fragility, strength and exquisiteness . . . 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

may this dress help you BLOOM . . . . . .

“If you feel lost, 
hesitant, or weak, 
return to yourself, 
to who you are, 
here and now 
and when you get there, 
you will discover yourself, 
like a lotus flower 
in full bloom, 
even in a muddy pond,
 beautiful and strong.” 
 Masaru Emoto, The Secret Life of Water
peace to all ~

Saturday, July 27, 2013

may this dress show you your intense obsessions!!!

“Don’t bend; water it down; 
or make it logical; 
don’t edit your soul for fashion. 
Follow intense obsessions mercilessly.” 

~Franz Kafka

I couldn't have said it better myself!!! xxxx

Thursday, July 25, 2013

may this dress bring you stillness . . . .

“Being still does not 
mean don't move. 

It means move in peace.” 

~ stillness in our high octane life, full of so many ways to pull us away from ourselves. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

may this dress remind you to celebrate your wonderful self . . .

“There is a vitality, 
a life force, an energy, 
a quickening 
that is translated 
through you into action, 
and because there is only 
one of you in all time
this expression is unique. 
And if you block it, 
it will never exist 
through any other medium 
and will be lost.”

~ Martha Graham

this is the beginning of one of my favorite quotes! The full quote is below. Thank you to artist and teacher Michael Dowling, who introduced me to these inspirational words. But he is quick to make sure we, especially as artist, read the entire quote . . .  and who one who can get caught in the judging cycle I look to this quote many times and find some peace. 

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work. You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. Keep the channel open. ... No artist is pleased. [There is] no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and makes us more alive than the others” martha graham

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

may this dress help you to trust your intuition . . .

 ~ intuition is really a sudden immersion 
of the soul into the universal 
current of life, 
where the histories 
of all people are connected, 
and we are able to know everything, 
because it’s all written there. 
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

*sending out today's daily dress 
 to my friend, Brenda ~  xxx*

Monday, July 22, 2013

may this dress bring you glittering eyes (dedicated to my sweet Harriet*)

“And above all, 
watch with glittering eyes 
the whole world around you 
because the greatest secrets 
are always hidden 
in the most unlikely places. 
Those who don't 
believe in magic 
will never find it.”  
~ Roald Dahl

* yesterday, my sweet Harriet wondered why when she gets older that her belief in magic is diminishing . . . i told her that i, as an adult, totally believe in magic and she scoffed, thinking i was patronizing her, as parents usually do.  but i wasn't! i tried to explain that my version of magic may not be exactly like the 'disney' version of spells and bells, but i do believe in magic, and she is magical!!

I believe that there is a deeper connection of all things and when one is in touch with that web one can do magic.  I believe in the magic of moments, of love, of stars, of creating, of friendship, of oh so many things.

My hope for today is that we all remember how magical our lives are,
even though life might feel like a trial at times.
There is magic in the details, if you forget look at a flower;
there are spells being cast with our words, so choose them carefully,
there are energies being sent out from us all the time with our thoughts.
There is magic Harriet! I believe in magic & I believe in you!!!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

may this dress bring you peace . . .

'hot rock' dress, dover, ma
for the full story behind this dress check out my art blog:

The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.


Saturday, July 20, 2013

may this dress bring you wildly wonderful adventures . . .

“The purpose of life is to live it, 
to taste experience to the utmost, 
to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” 
                       ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

today's daily dress inspiration is for my sweetie,
who is heading off for an adventurous month 
at sleep away camp!!! xxxxxx

Friday, July 19, 2013

May this dress express my gratitude . . .

for all of you in my life that make me happy, support me love me, encourage me and help me, especially when the dark clouds are hovering! 

Please know, that I know, how important your presence is in my life!!! Thank you & peace!!! xxx

p.s. thanks to everyone who came out for the Natick Art Walk - it was such a lovely and fun evening!! and it was a nice reminder of my work as an artist - thank you!!! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

may this dress bring you oodles of confidence!!!!!

It is funny, I have been working on this drawing/painting for awhile. 
Not sure why it took me so long, except that the Boston area 
is in the midst of a killer heat wave and I don't do well in heat!! 

But what started as a little 'sketch' turned into an important piece for me -
in fact I would like to create a poster of this image?!?!?

this 'quote', intention speaks to me, 
at this time in my life!!! on so many levels!! 

In fact, I want to explore more dressdrawings with words!!

In fact, I had grand plans to have a 
collection of these dressdrawings for tonight's 
Natick Artist Walk, but alas I am not very productive in heat. 

so my dressdrawings will make an appearance at another time.  
But I will be making my appearance at the 
Natick Art Walk tonight, 5:30-8:30.  
I will have set up camp at Palettes, 29 Main St, Natick. (unless I melt)
 Palettes is hosting a bunch of wonderful artists, besides me ~
Rebecca Tuck - BombshellART &  there will have a group paint project!!
 and many of the shops in Natick will have artists, musicians and other amusements.

There will be a variety of artists/craftspeople at ArtWalk 2013, all around Natick Center from 5:30 - 8:30, this Thursday, 07-18. Palettes will be hosting 3 artists, including our own intructor Virginia Fitzgerald. We'll also have LIVE MUSIC by Andrew O'Connor! And, a free group painting project for all that stop in. A super fun night!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

always a good reminder . . .

Fear less, hope more; 
eat less, chew more; 
whine less, breathe more; 
talk less, say more; 
hate less, love more; 
and all good things are yours.  
~Swedish Proverb

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

may this dress help you thrive, in style ~

My mission in life 
is not merely to survive, 
but to thrive; 
and to do so with 
some passion, 

some compassion, 
some humor, 
and some style ~
Maya Angelou

Monday, July 15, 2013

may this dress bring you freedom ~

don't think.
thinking is the enemy of creativity. . . 
you simply must do things. 

ray bradbury

'this is me' altered vintage slip


Saturday, July 13, 2013

may this dress help us stop comparing ourselves to others!!!!

This quote has been popping up in my life these past few days ~
I am guilty of comparison to the point of insanity!! 
At times it appears as if everyone has everything 
figured out as I sit and spin!! 
but in my heart I know that this is NOT true!! 

Hopefully this is a reminder that 
we each have our own path to follow, 
our own gifts and talents,
our own life to live and 
our own way of living that life!!!

And that we can celebrate 
other's joys and successes!! 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

may this dress lift you up today . . .

The key is to keep company only 
with people who uplift you, 

whose presence calls forth your best.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

may this dress remind you to go with the flow . . . .

“May what I do flow from me like a river, 
no forcing and no holding back, 

the way it is with children.” 
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Today's dress was inspired by the lovely words of life coach and wonder, Maria Salomão-Schmidt.  
Maria co-wrote a book, “Mom Entrepreneur Extraordinaire”  and has a blog and FB group called Butterfly Moms where she posts lovely reminders of how lovely life is and how to enjoy each minute and take care of yourself!!
Thank you Maria!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

may this dress bring you amazing strength . . .

for all of us who are facing battles, 
be them in mind, body, heart, or wallet ~
may today we feel strength in our journey, 
buoyed by our communities of friends & family! 

We gain strength, and courage, 
and confidence by each experience 
in which we really stop 
to look fear in the face... 
we must do that which we think we cannot.

Eleanor Roosevelt 

Monday, July 8, 2013

may this dress help you follow your dreams . . .

Go confidently in the direction 
of your dreams. 
Live the life you have imagined. 

Henry David Thoreau

for a good friend who has followed his dream and 
it is coming true this week!!! 

his book, The Curiousity, hits the shelves this week.
congrats Stephen Kiernan!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

may this dress bring you healing . . . .

“Healing may not be so much about getting better, as about letting go of everything that isn’t you - all of the expectations, all of the beliefs - and becoming who you are.” ~Rachel Naomi Remen

it is interesting how different books or quotes or ideas keep popping up in one's life when they are needed?!?! the words of Rachel Naomi Remen have appeared in my life when I really need to hear them on numerous occasions!

This quote is on a meditation app I use when going to sleep and I find that this quote addresses so much more than just physical well being ~ if there is really a division when it comes to health?!?!

so I send this intention out to all of us ~ "to let go of everything that isn't you!!" to embrace your authentic self and live!!!

peace & be well ~

Rachel Naomi Remen is one of the earliest pioneers in the mind/body holistic health movement and the first to recognize the role of the spirit in health and the recovery from illness. She is Co-Founder and Medical Director of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program featured in the Bill Moyers PBS series, Healing and the Mind and has cared for people with cancer and their families for almost 30 years.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

may this dress bring you faith ~ faith in yourself, faith in the process . . .

“You are a child of the universe, 

no less than the trees and the stars; 

you have a right to be here. 

And whether or not it is clear to you, 

no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

max ehrmann,
desiderata: a poem for a way of life