Monday, July 22, 2013

may this dress bring you glittering eyes (dedicated to my sweet Harriet*)

“And above all, 
watch with glittering eyes 
the whole world around you 
because the greatest secrets 
are always hidden 
in the most unlikely places. 
Those who don't 
believe in magic 
will never find it.”  
~ Roald Dahl

* yesterday, my sweet Harriet wondered why when she gets older that her belief in magic is diminishing . . . i told her that i, as an adult, totally believe in magic and she scoffed, thinking i was patronizing her, as parents usually do.  but i wasn't! i tried to explain that my version of magic may not be exactly like the 'disney' version of spells and bells, but i do believe in magic, and she is magical!!

I believe that there is a deeper connection of all things and when one is in touch with that web one can do magic.  I believe in the magic of moments, of love, of stars, of creating, of friendship, of oh so many things.

My hope for today is that we all remember how magical our lives are,
even though life might feel like a trial at times.
There is magic in the details, if you forget look at a flower;
there are spells being cast with our words, so choose them carefully,
there are energies being sent out from us all the time with our thoughts.
There is magic Harriet! I believe in magic & I believe in you!!!

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace