Thursday, December 8, 2016

day79: don't 'kill' your 'shot' with doubt ...

“Doubt kills more dreams 
than failure ever will.”
Suzy Kassem

What is your dream??
Do you have a life that you imagine?? 
Do you have some desired path that you want to follow?
As your mother, my wish for you is that you live all your dreams!
However, do you know what your dreams are???

Although there are so many inspirational quotes telling you to pursue your dreams, I feel there is a disconnect between this advise and helping people define their dreams.  
It sounds all wonderful to follow your dream but I wonder how many people have a clear cut dream that gives them a road map to follow?!?

I ask you to think about that idea; 
what is your dream?
what mark do you want to leave on this lifetime??
Do you have a passion that will get you out of bed every day?
Maybe you don't know exactly what your dream is?!?  but maybe
you have some idea of some things that interest you?!?!

It is important to have a dream to work toward, and to learn more about your dream you need to explore, experiment and learn. Being in school is a great place to play around with some dream ideas, try out different classes, join interesting clubs, listen to lectures, etc...

Also be clear that what you are working towards is YOUR dream, not your parents' dream, a partner's dream and/or a dream created by peer pressure.
This is YOUR shot during this life journey!!!

click here if video clip is not functioning

And your dreams can and most likely will change.  
Don't think that you are stuck once you decide on your dream.  
As with so much about life and growing up, things change, interest change and so dreams will change.

But for today take some time to think about your dream, 
how you imagine yourself living your life.
Try on different roles in your imagination.
 Dreams are good compasses, even if they can and will change.

And when you have that dream,
no matter what your dream is or how clear it is or how realistic it is, 
you must promise me that you will never let 
self-doubt, nor nay-sayers and kill-joys
to squash your dream!! 

It is easy for us to fall prey to these inner and outer forces of fear,
especially when dealing with such personal things as your dream!
But remember that I believe in you, and so many others do too!!

So go confidently in the direction of your dreams and passions
 and know I have your back!
love, mom

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace