Monday, December 25, 2017

may this dress remind us to stop and pause ...

... pause to remember our blessings and to remember those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. 
Pause and enjoy the love and joy of family and friends and to carry these feelings beyond today and into the new year.  
Wishing everyone a joyous and peaceful holiday!!

dresstag left in China in 2013 - story below 

Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect 
on the important things around us -
a time when we can look back on the year 
that has passed and prepare for the year ahead. 

David Cameron

In 2013 some friends were traveling abroad and took some of my dresstags to place during there visit, here is the story about todays' photo:

Today's dresstag photo comes from  Guangzhou, China!!!!thanks to the wonderful and so talented Clara Bohrer.  She offered to take a few dresstags with her to China and last night I got this photo!! As I read her email I was bathed in a sense of amazement and wonder!! Besides the thought of my dresstags on foreign shores, I was bathed by the wonders of life!! 

"The dress on the photo was left at a market in GZ, with the delicious dragon fruits. I left there and some 10 minutes later, when we walked back to that area, the dress was already gone and a young woman, that I think works there, was looking at us with a very big and friendly smile!!!!"

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace