Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Today, embrace the no money-back guarantee ....

'all at sea ...'day#27 of my dailydress1 journal (2011)*

“Awakening is not a process of building ourselves up but a process of letting go. It’s a process of relaxing in the middle—the paradoxical, ambiguous middle, full of potential, full of new ways of thinking and seeing—with absolutely no money-back guarantee of what will happen next.” 

In 2011 I started my first 'dailydress' journal.  Inspired buy the Sketchbook Project I started filling a moleskin sketchbook with a collage with an origami dress.  In fact the beginning of this blog shows the different pages of this journal.  And here is what I wrote about it on my art blog:
For this journal I create a page from some detritus that comes to me during the course of the day ~ a receipt, a paper bag, packing material, whatever catches my fancy; that is be the starting point. Then I build the page around that element and eventually I add an origami dress. Sometime the dress is large, sometimes small; one time the dress isn't even there, you get the idea. (link to full blog post)
It is interesting that I picked this image for today's post as I am 'struggling' with this feeling of groundlessness.  Lately I have felt pulled in so many directions I feel completely off balance and when I'm feeling adrift I tend to go back to my art.  And in fact I have been feeling a great pull to make another 'dailydress' journal?!??! so stay tune to see what happens ...

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace