Friday, January 12, 2018

where is your attention dwelling??

“I know for sure that what we dwell on is who we become.”

Last month I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop lead by Priti Robyn Ross, 'Refilling your Well', where I learned many practices and ideas about self care and mindfulness.  Our talks were filled with many thoughtful and smart maxims to remember as we live our days, and I hope to share many of them here.  

We spoke a lot about energy, and one point that we kept returning to was what you put your focus, your time, your energy on, is what is going to grow.  

So today I want you to think about ~
where are you putting your energy and attention??
Are you focusing on the positive or the negative??
what do you want to nurture and grow, your goals or your fears??

love, mom

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace