Thursday, April 25, 2019

May this dress remind us to go on living ... from woman wonder: Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt:

Forefront political philosopher of the 20th century.  Born in Germany in 1906, she was an early critic of the rising Nazi party.  When Hilter took power  and she was imprisoned by the Gestapo for 8 days Arendt knew she had to leave her homeland.  First she settled in Paris where she helped young Jews emigrate to Palestine.  But when Germay invaded France Arendt again had to flee and she eventually landed in New York City, arriving May 22, 1941.
Once in the US the need to learn English was paramount, so Arendt spent 2 months in Winchester, MA with an Ameican family through the program, Self-Help for Refugees.

Portrait of Hannah Arendt with Mary McCarthy
When she returned to New York, Arendt resumed her writing, her political and social activism and eventually teaching. During her teaching career she consistantly declined tenure positions to guard her independence.  In 1950 Arendt became a US citizen.

Much of her work addressed totalitarianism, allure of power and evil, direct democracy, andauthority. She is famous for her phrase, "the banality of evil" which she introduced while reporting on Adolf Eichmann's trial for The New Yorker.  She is recognized as one of the all time great political thinkers and philosophers.

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