Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November is upon us ...

Sorry that I haven't been posting here lately ~ I have been overwhelmed by everything social media and have retreated from many platforms, though not all?!? Or all least not all as of yet!

I am now posting my #virginiacreates monthly calendars on my instagram account: 

and you can find it on my website blog, the ponderings of virginiacreates 

so please look for my postings on those two locations.

I have wondering about starting up posting inspirational art and quotes as everyday reality is getting more and more challenging, however I also don't want to add even more stuff into the already loud and crazy environment that surrounds us.  For now I am still doing my monthly calendars with inspiring quotes, usually by women.  Thank you for your interest. and now here is November 2023's #virginiacreates calendar.

feel free to print and use for your personal enjoyment ~ peace

During these challenging times ~ 
it is important to remember to choose LOVE!

We’re all in this together. Choose love.” Jo Dee Messina

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace