Sunday, September 15, 2013

may this dress encourage you to take your truth-seeking journey . . .

“I've come to believe that there exists in the universe 
something I call "The Physics of The Quest"
- a force of nature governed by laws as real 
as the laws gravity or momentum. 
And the rule of Quest Physics maybe goes like this: 
"If you are brave enough to leave behind 
everything familiar and comforting 
(which can be anything from your house
 to your bitter old resentments) 
and set out on a truth-seeking journey 
(either externally or internally), 
and if you are truly willing to regard 
everything that happens to you on 
that journey as a clue, 
and if you accept everyone you meet 
along the way as a teacher, 
and if you are prepared - most of all -to face (and forgive) 
some very difficult realities about yourself....
then truth will not be withheld from you." 
Or so I've come to believe.” 
Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Last night I watched the movie version of 'eat, pray, love'. I had been hesitant about watching the movie.  I had LOVED the book and found it quite profound and was suspect of Hollywood's ability to do the book justice.  But last night it felt like the right time.  The book had been referenced to me on a few different occasions and  I had the DVD from the library and it was soon going to be overdue.

Once again I was struck with how the message in Elizabeth Gilbert's story hits very close to my personal journey ~ her quest for truth and spiritual growth.  Now I would LOVE to be able to take a year off and find myself while in Italy, India and Bali, but my life is different and my truth-seeking journey needs to be done here in Natick, with my darling angel daughters, which is all good.

But Elizabeth's ideas and thoughts ring true wherever one is and what made me choose this quote was:

... regard everything that happens to you 
on that journey as a clue, 
and if you accept everyone 
you meet along the way as a teacher

If you really think about those words and reflect on your life it is profound!!!
And I want to thank all my teachers!! 
and peace ~ 

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace