“Also, go inside and listen to your body, because your body will never lie to you. Your mind will play tricks, but the way you feel in your heart, in your guts, is the truth.”
The Four Agreements:
A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Since the Boston area (along with much of the east coast) is dealing with the aftermath of massive weather, demanding that we go out and shovel, dig, bail, etc ... we must remember how important it is to LISTEN to OUR bodies!!!
I find it interesting, and sad, that one of the biggest growing businesses are the ones focusing on helping people take better care of themselves; life coaches, self-care workshops and such. And I am a big participant in many of these offerings. One of the big lessons that I have learned is that 'we' already have the instinctive knowledge of what we need, and how to care for ourselves.
However through outer influences such as, social expectations, peer pressure, marketing and advertising and cultural impositions, we stop trusting our inner voices and start looking to the outer influences to guide us.
I take a wonderful yoga class with Maggie Sky and one of the biggest takeaways I get from her class is to listen to my body and what does my body need during that class on that day.
During one of her classes, when we were heading into the relaxation part of our practice, she asked the class if we were comfortable, really comfortable, not 'sort of' comfortable, thinking to ourselves that its ok because we won't be in this position for long and so it is ok to be a bit uncomfortable. When I heard that clarification of really listening to myself it was a game changer.
How many times do we know in our hearts and minds that what we are doing isn't really good for us, personally, but we do it anyway?!?! Or we think to ourselves, it is ok that I am uncomfortable right now, I don't want to be a bother?!?
Of course there are times when we need to preserve and ignore our inner voice but I believe it is important to be mindful in those moments and whenever possible listen to our inner wisdom.
So if you are out shoveling snow and you are noticing that you are really tired, take a break if you can. We all have different abilities and strengths, schedules and responsibilities. Take time to recognize your needs and abilities, not your neighbors or an acquaintance on social media.
Trust that you know what you and your body needs.
Let us reconnect with our inner wisdom.
peace and love, mom
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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace