Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mapping your one precious life ....

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do 
with your one wild and precious life?” 

Since the beginning of this new year, this beautiful query from Mary Oliver has been echoing in my head. Which makes sense as a new year emphasizes the passing of time.  As I sit inside my blessed cozy home with arctic winds cycloning outside, I am keenly aware of how precious life is and once again question my purpose and reason of my life.  This inquiry lead me to creating a vision map for 2018 and I thought I'd suggest this idea to you.

This exercise may be called a mind map, a vision board or a number of other names, however the idea is the same - to think about and to map-out your goals. The time period of the exercise can vary, be it your goals for this month, this year or your life.  There are so many ways and instructions for a vision map on the web that I suggest that you google the idea and see which description excites you.  I am drawn to a more visual kind of exercise and map,  using many markers and colors. But no matter which route you take the aim is the same, to clarify and focus on what you want to do/achieve/manifest/learn/finish (you get the picture) during the next year. 

Below is a random example of a vision map I pulled from the internet as well as a possible template to start you off.  

 Happy mapping!! love, mom

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always love to hear what is on your mind . . . peace