Friday, October 21, 2016

day54: take care of your ta-ta's

Tasty Cakes (detail) Christina Zwart (2012)
Friday 21 October 2016 is wear pink day!!!
aka  National Mammography Day 
all part of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

It is extremely important to be aware of good breast care, even when you are young. 
With ALL cancers, early detection is KEY.
Get in the habit of doing monthly breast examines,
get to know your breasts so you can know when something may be off.

You need to feel comfortable and confident with your OB/doctor.  If the relationship does not feel right, then please, find another doctor.  With your doctor/patient relationship is is key that you feel comfortable to talk about anything, ask any kind of questions, and you need to feel confident about their knowledge and abilities.

Talk to your doctor about mammograms and when you need to have them.  The research and information is constantly changing and being updated and your doctor should be informed of all changes.
Today's art, 'tasty cakes' is by the lovely and talented Christina Zwart,
 click here to see more of her provocative work:
Gallery Work - zwARTinstallations

In 2014, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM) celebrated its 30th anniversary. Since its inception, NBCAM has been at the forefront of promoting awareness of breast cancer issues and has evolved along with the national dialogue on breast cancer. Today, NBCAM recognizes that although many great strides have been made in breast cancer awareness and treatment, there remains much to be accomplished. As NBCAM celebrated its 30th anniversary, they remain dedicated to educating and empowering women to take charge of their own breast health by practicing regular self-breast exams to identify any changes, scheduling regular visits and annual mammograms with their healthcare provider, adhering to prescribed treatment and knowing the facts about recurrence.The third Friday in October each year is National Mammography Day, first proclaimed by President Clinton in 1993. On this day, or throughout the month, women are encouraged to make a mammography appointment. In 2016, National Mammography Day will be celebrated on October 21.

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